Are you tired of a flat, wide chest and no upper pole fullness? Some women with age or pregnancy develop extra skin. Others may have done the hard work of exercising and losing weight, only to find a less optimal breast shape as a consequence. The result may be “ptosis,” or drooping of the breasts. Now there are several surgical solutions for correction.
Dr. Jenq
Ideas to Spice Up Your Routine
Sometimes in the dead of winter, with spring a faint glimmer in sight, it is great to take a breather and think of ideas to add a bit of color to your routine. Here is a list of suggestions.
Tummy Tuck or Mini-Tummy Tuck: Which is Better?
Tummy tuck, aka abdominoplasty, is a cosmetic procedure that is performed to tighten up the belly and remove extra skin and fat, sometimes called “muffin tops.” Commonly after pregnancy, age, or significant weight loss, the belly muscle stretches out and a large amount of thinned skin, stretch marks, and fat can develop. Surgery can help to restore your contour and remove extra fat. Now a mini-tummy tuck is a lesser version of the full tummy tuck, which usually means less scarring. Which one is better?
Medical Tourism
With a stagnant economy and limited finances, the promise of cosmetic surgery at a steep discount abroad can be seductive. A quick search on the internet, and you can find numerous websites offering everything from breast surgery to hip replacement in places like Thailand, Mexico, and Slovania. However, before you jump on the next flight to Mexico, here are some issues to consider:
Beauty Tips for Travel
Now that the holidays are approaching, many of us have booked flights to visit family and friends. Dreading that transatlantic journey on Christmas Eve with kids? Here are some great tips to look your best stepping off that plane.
Liposuction Long Term Results
Liposuction is the second most common cosmetic procedure performed in the country, almost 300,000 in 2010. It involves a procedure where special suctioning rods, or cannulas, are used to remove extra fat deposits for improvement of body contour. A common question some people have is the long term outcome of the procedure if weight gain recurs.
Insurance Coverage for Breast Reduction
Breast reduction is a procedure where extra skin and fat is removed, and the nipple and skin are redraped to create a most youthful appearance. Breasts not only look better, but surgery can take that pain off the back and shoulder. The goal is for women to become pain-free, exercise, and find clothes which fit.
Implants for Breast Surgery
In 2010, almost 300,000 cosmetic breast augmentation surgeries were performed in the United States. The popularity of this procedure is due to the overall high satisfaction of women who decide to proceed with surgery. However, it is important for you to be certain if this is what you really want, as implants may require additional future surgeries for maintenance of their optimal appearance.
Brazilian Buttock Lift
Jennifer Lopez, well-endowed with her shapely, full behind started the craze for enhancement of the flat, wide, or saggy buttock. There are exercise tapes, support garments, and now, surgery to give women more lifted and feminine buttocks.
Breast Lift Surgery
When a breast lift is performed, a striking result is that as the extra skin is tightened, breasts that were widened and flattened become rounder and better positioned on the chest. This surgery can bring a lot of satisfaction for women who are already happy with the size of their chest, but the skin has started to sag over time due to pregnancy or age.