

There are many reasons you may be considering breast augmentation. You may feel that your breasts are too small and want to achieve a more feminine figure or fit into your clothes more proportionally. Perhaps you prefer the larger breast size you experienced during pregnancy. Many women find that breast augmentation helps them feel better about how they look and feel.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are silicone implants as safe as saline implants?

Both saline and silicone implants are considered safe and effective by the FDA. Extensive studies have discounted the link between silicone implants and autoimmune disorders.

How do I decide which type of implant I want?

Type of implant is a personal decision based upon your own preference, body type, age and breast shape. Some women prefer silicone implants because they are softer in consistency than saline implants and come with a lower risk of implant “rippling.” However, silicone ruptures may be more difficult to detect compared to saline implants. You and your plastic surgeon will determine which type of implant is best for you during consultation.

What size implants should I use?

The size that’s right for you depends on the width of your chest and the overlying breast tissue. Implant volume affects the projection (or height) of the implant and the diameter (or footprint) that sits on the chest wall. We will use sample implants to approximate the size that fits you. We recommend that you bring pictures to your consult to help communicate to the surgeon the implant size you want to achieve.

Can I breastfeed after breast implants?

Most likely you will be able to breastfeed after surgery, but keep in mind that even some women without breast implants have problems breastfeeding. Excessively large implants or an incision around the areola, which can damage milk ducts, can decrease milk production. If you wish to breastfeed, you may need to supplement breastfeeding with formula.

How does breast cancer screening work with implants?

Breast augmentation does not increase your risk of breast cancer and does not preclude breast cancer screening. Special x-ray views of the breast called compression views may be obtained after augmentation. It is recommended that you proceed with breast cancer mammography screening as recommended by your doctor, based on your age and family history or personal risk of breast cancer. If you are 40 years or older, we recommend that you have a mammogram prior to surgery.

Discover what we can do for you. Call us at 503-400-6622 or submit this form to schedule a consultation.